About Us

Barnegat Bay Dyeworks started in 2015 as a department within Debbie and Jim's quilt shop Quilting Possibilities.  Debbie started dyeing cotton in 1994 to sell while vending at shows.  The store moved out of their house and into a storefront in 1995 and Debbie continued dyeing cotton for applique until the store and children grew and time to dye became harder and harder to carve out.  In 2014 she got the bug to try wool applique when she couldn't find the bright colors of wool she wanted so she decided to try her hand dyeing wool for herself.  Starting to dye again was like finding an old friend.  Friends, employees and customers saw her wool and what began as a hobby, became a department in QP.  That department grew.  And then grew some more, and then became it's own business when Jim and Debbie "retired" in 2018.  

Barnegat Bay Dyeworks wools are available for wholesale and retail.

Debbie is an award winning quilter - Elna's Machine Quilting award for a quilted jacket she wishes she could still fit into -, the designer of quilt patterns marketed under the "QP Design Studio" banner and is the author of "Beginning Quilting By Machine" & "Advanced Beginning Quilting By Machine" .  Debbie has also  designed a line of wool applique patterns. She has taught & lectured all over the tri-state area.  Debbie started quilting in 1977 and has more quilts than she really should . . . .  She enjoys hand stitching with cotton & wool and experimenting with all kinds of threads.   

Jim has 28 years of servicing and repairing sewing machines and continues to service machines locally.  Call the shop number and leave a message and he will get back to you..