- An original wool applique design from BBDW! This rabbit is happily eating clover while hiding in a meadow of wild flowers. 12x18" finished
- Choose from the pattern only or the kit including the pattern. Our pattern has full sized applique sheets and full sized placement sheets along with instructions.
- A kit of the threads I used for the stems and leaves is also available with 8 green threads - one DMC #8 pearl cotton, two Valdani #12 pearl cottons, two Precensia #12 pearl cottons, one skein of floss and two skeins of my hand dyed wool thread - all variegated except for the floss.
- Our kit for this 12 x 18" finished wool applique meadow includes the pattern with full size appliques and placement sheets, my hand dyed cotton background, and my hand dyed wool for the appliques.